Ivan Karp Emerging Economies Program
IKEEP provides students opportunities to apply their knowledge and build new skills through service learning projects that focus on solving major global issues in emerging economies. IKEEP includes student-driven projects, internships, and fellowships in emerging economies around the world. We provide meaningful learning experiences that engage students in real-world problem solving and international relations. We have partnered with leading educational programs, social enterprises, and communities around the world to ensure that students have access to a vast network, professional development opportunities, and experiences that prepare them to be leaders in the 21st century and are currently developing curriculum of our own. Students contribute to building a robust archive of cultural, administrative, geographic, and economic (CAGE) analyses that can be used by business leaders and policy makers when exploring new markets in emerging economies and can participate in the social entrepreneurship Book Club.
Women to Be - Zambia Case Study
The International Business Students Global (IBSG), has partnered with Chitimukulu Kanyanta Manga II, His Royal committee, and Women to Be to review menstrual health management in Kasama, Zambia and provide suggestions for moving forward with the project to provide access to menstrual health resources. There has been increasing attention to determining the best way to provide the girl child with reusable sanitary pads and health education that can hedge absenteeism and drop-outs associated with menses and can propel girls with the confidence and resources for dignity, higher education, and economic advancement opportunities.
Through the use of fieldwork, we gain emergent insights into how the menstrual resources and education in Zambia are currently positioned and identify avenues for moving forward with efforts to provide the girl child with education and resources to manage their menses. Our objective is to collect data that can inform and improve efforts to provide the girl child with resources and education for menstrual health management for HRH, the Committee, and Women to Be.
We utilize a variety of data collection techniques including surveys, interviews, observations, and field notes in this mixed methods field research. We triangulate multiple sources of data in order to determine emergent themes regarding menstrual health management for the girl child in Zambia.
Future Directions
We will continue working with Women to Be as they revise their business model and look at expanding into New Mexico and Mexico.
Meetings are held: Fridays 3:00 – 5:00 in SUB Lobo Lair.
Contact Audriana Stark (astark@unm.edu)
IBSG- Global Ties Partnership
Program Overview
The IBSG- Global Ties is an incredibly exciting project that allows students across UNM to engage with international visitors in a real-world setting. Global Ties ABQ is a local organization funded by the State Department that hosts international visitors from all over the world to our home town Albuquerque, New Mexico. Global Ties ABQ works to promote economic development and diplomacy by hosting international leaders. This is a great way to form international connections while learning about global issues that impact our community. There are several exciting opportunities within the Global Ties ABQ partnership that will allow students to participate in book/journal clubs surrounding the international visitors Global Ties ABQ hosts along with incorporating students into host dinners and lunches with Global delegates. Students also have the opportunity to partner with Global Ties ABQ and participate in an outbound fellowship program that will send them abroad through Global Ties ABQ in an area that you are particularly passionate about.
Future Plans
IBSG is looking to incorporate Global Ties ABQ visitors in our meetings along with providing students the opportunity to get involved with Global Ties ABQ directly. In addition, there will be several openings for students looking to help Global Ties ABQ measure their impact. IBSG will be working with Global Ties ABQ to apply our skills and help address the issues they face as an organization. This is an excellent way to help an organization that is doing great work in Albuquerque.
Contact Information
If you would like to start connecting with international visitors and get updates on meetings sign up for the FREE student membership that Global Ties ABQ provides at: https://www.globaltiesabq.org/get-involved/. From this link you can click on the free student membership that will let you choose what groups/ countries you are interested in. In addition, you will receive a free global ties T-shirt. If you want more information on this partnership or if you would like to get involved, please contact: adepies@unm.edu .